
Friday, February 28, 2025

GOAT: A Global Optimization Algorithm for Molecules and Atomic Clusters

Bernardo de Souza (2025)
Highlighted by Jan Jensen

If you want to predict accurate reaction energies and barrier heights of typical organic molecules then you are spending a significant portion of CPU time on the conformational search. While generating a large number of random starting structures often works OK for smaller molecules (with less than, say, 15 rotatable bonds) it fails for larger molecules where the odds of randomly generating the global minimum quickly approach zero. You thus need methods that focus the search arounds low energy regions of the PES.

In essence, the the algorithm walks up in some random direction, detects when a conformation barrier has been crossed, minimises the energy, and decides whether a new conformer has been found. New conformers are then included in the ensemble using a Monte-Carlo criteria with simulated annealing. The process is repeated until no new low energy conformers are found.

GOAT is better or very similar to CREST for all but one organic molecule tested. For organometallic complexes GOAT is better or similar to CREST, except for three cases where CREST fails in some way. For small molecules GOAT is a bit slower than CREST, but for large molecules GOAT is usually considerably faster.

GOAT is thus a valuable addition to the computation chemistry toolbox.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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